25 Apr 2015

IDOLberg's America Worship


To our great dismay, this man's incessant and boring efforts to turn the State of Israel into an American style republic are still given too much attention.

He purports to be a master of the so-called political science, but in fact he's nothing of the sort.

Meet Paul IDOLberg.

We quote at length from his latest mumblings on the matter, entitled Israel’s Obsolete Political Institutions, not because we loathe you and wish to see you suffer, but because it's important to witness first-hand the often shocking degree of ignorance that even 'learned' professors possess. 

Here's the conclusion of his latest scribblings on the matter --

I urge Israeli politicians and their university mentors to study the wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers. The wisdom of these learned statesmen is not obsolete.  They heeded the words of Samuel Langdon, president of Harvard University, a solid Hebraist who declared, in his election sermon of 1775, that ‘the [ancient] Jewish government … if considered merely in a civil view [i.e. shorn of religious law], was a perfect republic.” That republic remains an excellent model of government for the present state of Israel.  It provides, inter-alia, a system of institutional checks and balances sadly lacking in Israel today, but which could be obtained by careful, incremental reform of her Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of government.
The achievement of such reform is far less difficult than the achievement of peace, for which Israeli politicians have struggled in vain, and partly because they are driving in what may be called a political Model-T Ford.☼
Hear, hear! for the idle one, who would upgrade that Model-T to an Edsel.

It seems IDOLberg has staked his entire life on the academic notions he champions and therefore needs to make them relevant to both the Jewish world and Israel - for which he apparently also has a passion.

Sadly, however, there is no bridging the two.  The Jewish people need American style Democracy and Paul IDOLberg's views on it like a fish needs a bicycle.

Sorry to inform you (again), Paul, but what the Jewish people have always known, and what you continue to stumble over, is that the complete ancient Jewish Government, including its religious law, is precisely what the nation of Israel now requires, and not some hatchet-job rendition of the same.

We therefore urge you to stick with Samuel Langdon's sermons and his 'Hebraism' and the rest of the nonsense that's daily generated from Harvard University -- and even with those learned statesmen who are tutored there. 

We Jews, however, will continue to opt for the halacha and the Kingdom of David, for whose pending arrival we continue to pray.

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