1 Jun 2015

Hip Hip Hooray for Israeli Democracy!


For the privilege of casting a ballot every few years, you, too, can be subjected to the jackboot tyranny of a bloodthirsty bureaucracy and the cold iron cage of a society that robotically genuflects before a vicious political correctness.

Stop boasting that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.  It's worthless rhetoric.  The media and the judiciary run this country, not its citizenry.  And those two institutions took a hard left, anti-Semitic turn a long time ago.

Nothing happens in the State of Israel -- not a deed is done, nor a thought thunk -- before a half dozen mandatory forms are filled out in triplicate at six different branch offices, while the cruel unblinking eye of the media records every move you make.

There will be no geulah until this state disintegrates.

May it come speedily in our days.

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