25 May 2015

Is the Chief Rabbi of France a Clown? ... or a Murderer?


Haven't we been through this before?

19 May 2015

The Goal of the 'Holocaust Jew'

[Ghetto Fighters Memorial]

Why would anyone dream of glorious national suicide?

14 May 2015

Thank You World. For Making this Jew's Day.


Nothing could make a Jew happier than reading today's news headlines.

7 May 2015

Now Everyone Knows that Zionism Means 'Surrender'


We should never let the apparent falsity of a name cloud a much greater truth.

4 May 2015

Israelis Finally Indicted for War Crimes!



Provoke the Goyim has developed a new definition of the term.

And with it, we're prepared to hang every man Jack of 'em!