14 May 2015

Thank You World. For Making this Jew's Day.


Nothing could make a Jew happier than reading today's news headlines.

Nothing could make him feel better than seeing entire European nations going belly up, their citizenry impoverished and hopeless in the face of a debt they never intended to repay. 

A pleasure, too, to see them beheaded by those same savages that just yesterday they applauded when the victims were Jews.

Nothing so glorious as vast populations of Arabs arrayed against one another, uprooting one another, beheading and killing one another by the thousand, as in Syria and Libya and Yemen.  May it continue until they're all obliterated.

Nothing so sweet as seeing Americans targeted by their own increasingly homicidal government -- increasingly anti-Semitic government! -- getting beaten and maimed and killed by the authorities there.  Succumbing to their own, unique and twisted morality and perverse love of stardom.

What bliss to witness the entire western world committing demographic suicide, ceasing to have children out of an overwhelming depression that leaves them permanently drugged and panic stricken and obsessed with making more money.

It's a pleasure to see any nation that turns or once turned against Jews now getting  their own.  By earthquake.  By fire.  By disease.  By drought.  By tornado.

The G-d of Israel doesn't play games, goy.
You were warned, and you didn't listen.

And now you suffer. 

The Jews are the elect of His creation.  They are His chosen people. 

You doubt it?  You want to test it? 

You get destroyed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well pretty much how a good impression of how a homicidal psychopath speaks. well done and keep it up.